Reporting to the Presiding Bishop and working in the NYC headquarters of The Episcopal Church, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) will directly supervise the staff of the Finance Office, Office of the Treasurer, Investment Office, and Travel Loans Office. The CFO will also be a key part of the team that develops strategy for the Office of Development (OOD), the ministry that identifies, cultivates, and solicits prospective donors to support DFMS ministries. The Finance Office includes a) the Office of the Treasurer, which manages the operating cash and the longer-term assets of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society (DFMS), the church’s corporate entity organized under New York State law, including the endowment portfolio and charitable trusts, and oversees administration and management of the budget, and (b) the Office of the Controller, which records and processes all of the financial transactions for the DFMS, assists the Treasurer in developing and monitoring budgets, and works with independent auditors to implement appropriate controls to safeguard assets and resources of the DFMS. The CFO’s direct reports are currently as follows:
- * Director of Investment Management and Banking
- * Controller
- * Travel Loan Supervisor
- * Finance Support Specialist
- * Administrative Assistant (A&F, Audit, Executive Council, PB&F)
- * Development Officers (2)
- * Annual Appeal Manager
- * Development Research Officer
- * Donor Database and Gift Processing Officer
- * Administrative Assistant and Office Manager
The CFO will work closely with the Presiding Bishop and members of the senior staff, and will direct and be responsible for the financial management of the DFMS. With the other members of management, the CFO will oversee and support the program initiatives of The Episcopal Church and directives of the General Convention, and will participate in the strategic planning and evaluation of the entire organization. As a member of DFMS senior staff, the CFO will work intensively with other departments, finding areas of mutual interest and overlap. The CFO will serve in the following positions:
- * Chief Financial Officer of the DFMS
- * Treasurer of the DFMS
- * Member of certain interim bodies created by the General Convention and Executive Council
- * Member of Episcopal Relief & Development Board
- * Serve as a member of the Presiding Bishop’s senior staff team, working closely and collaboratively with other team members.
- * Oversee fundraising, development, and advancement activities.
- * Direct and coordinate the financial affairs of the DFMS, related, and arms-length entities according to generally-accepted accounting principles and government regulations.
- * Lead in the development of the annual and triennial budgets that express the program and mission priorities of the General Convention and Executive Council. Lead the selection and implementation of enterprise budgeting and forecasting software and expense management software.
- * Oversee the execution of the approved budget. Ensure that adequate information is distributed on a timely basis to all operating managers with respect to income and expense positions.
- * Oversee management of the endowment portfolio, charitable trusts, short-term assets (such as DFMS operating cash), and custodial accounts held for others.
- * Direct the activities concerned with the safekeeping, control, and accounting for the physical assets and investment securities of the DFMS and affiliated organization co-investors.
- * Oversee all banking functions, including financial management training and review.
- * Establish and direct DFMS lines of credit, receipts, disbursements, and expenditures of money and capital assets.
- * Direct and prepare financial analyses of operations for the guidance of management. Plan and direct new operating procedures to obtain optimal efficiency, security, and economics.
- * Provide leadership for the Presiding Bishop’s senior leadership team, the Joint Budget Committee of the Executive Council, and the Finance, Investment, and Audit Committees of the Executive Council in establishing the major financial objectives and policies for the DFMS.
- * Consult with diocesan bishops and their financial staffs and committees in areas related to financial matters.
- * Oversee preparation of annual audits with internal staff and external independent auditors.
- * Negotiate proper insurance coverage for the DFMS.
- * Assist the other DFMS officers and senior leaders in all matters which have a financial impact on the DFMS.
- * Graduate education in business, finance, or law with at least 10 years of experience in corporate financial management (or equivalent experience). Some experience in a not-for-profit environment is desirable.
- * Confirmed communicant or member of the clergy of The Episcopal Church is strongly preferred. Knowledge of The Episcopal Church and its polity, governance, by-laws, constitution, canons, etc. would be useful.
- * Ability to work closely, collaboratively, and productively with a diverse range of elected and appointed church leaders who have oversight of the budget process, corporate social responsibility policies, grantmaking, and other finance functions.
- * Strong leadership, managerial, and interpersonal skills with high ethical standards.
- * Ability and willingness to work productively in a culture shaped by the Episcopal Church’s beliefs and values.
- * Ability to work collegially and diplomatically with the leadership team and church center staff, administrative heads, and committees that are composed of volunteers who possess varying gifts and skills.
- * Ability to work closely and collaboratively with leaders on leadership bodies, including investment, budget, and audit committees.
- * Extensive experience with creating and implementing transparent budgeting practices aligned with organizational strategy.
- * Experience with and ability to create transparent and accurate communications for financial and executive leadership.
- * Ability to lead the implementation of enterprise accounting and financial management software.
- * Computer literate with excellent oral and written English communication skills. Familiarity with Spanish and/or French is helpful.
- * A sense of humor.
The annual salary range for the CFO role is $190,000 to $225,000.
Please email your resume to to be considered for this role.